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离婚时分割财产总是很有压力, 但当离婚涉及高资产时, 这个案子可能会引起激烈的争论,而且极其复杂. 因为这事关重大, 对于谁能得到家庭和度假屋,可能会有不同的意见, 其他房地产, 投资, 股票, 企业, 还有退休账户. 有时分割财产会降低资产的价值, 而出售资产引发的税务问题可能会使情况进一步复杂化. 印第安纳州的财产分割法很复杂, 既然两党都有很大的损失, 他们倾向于坚持下去,为了得到更大的一块蛋糕而斗争.

印第安纳州实行公平分配财产分割制度, which means that 资产 和 property acquired in the marriage should be divided in a fair 和 equitable, 但不一定相等, 的方式. 什么是“公平和公平”常常是有争议的, 和 if you are involved in a high-asset divorce 和 have 资产 you are concerned about keeping, 你一个人处理这件事太危险了.

幸运的是,我们经验丰富 新奥尔巴尼的离婚律师 了解印第安纳州复杂的财产分割法. 因此, they know exactly how to deal with high-asset divorce 和 how to guide you through the equitable distribution of property, whilst always protecting your interests 和 keeping you from making costly mistakes that can impact your future.

今天就给我们打电话开始吧,看看有什么 教堂,兰登·洛普 & Banet有限责任公司 我能帮上忙吗?.


有很多离婚律师, but in high-asset situations it is especi所有y important for you to find one you can trust 和 who also has the resources 和 experience to get the results you need.  以下是我们认为您应该选择CLLB律师事务所代理您的一些原因.

  • 我们经验丰富,了解印第安纳州的家庭法. Dana Eberle律师 作为一名值得信赖的家庭法律律师领导团队. She advocates aggressively on her clients’ behalf 和 works toward legal solutions that offer the best outcomes possible for clients 和 their children.
  • 我们得到社会的认可并回馈社会. 除了获得律师资格, 埃伯利律师是妇女和家庭中心的前董事会成员, 和 current Chair of The Center for Women 和 Families’ Southern 印第安纳州 Partnership Council
  • 我们得到的结果得到了客户的赞赏,你可以阅读 客户的感言 为了证明它.
  • 我们很有同情心,知道你正在经历什么. 她自己也经历过离婚, 戴娜很清楚其中的情绪起伏, 它能帮助你放松,让这个过程尽可能地无痛.


在处理分割复杂资产时, 开始收集是很重要的, 记录, 并尽快保存财务信息, 所以你知道你在处理什么,可以防止有价值的资产消失. 当您聘请CLLB Law时,我们的法律团队将立即开始为您bet9九州体育登录. 我们将:

  • 与你会面,讨论和分析你个人的婚姻和财产状况, 鉴别和估价重要的夫妻财产, 然后决定什么是你最需要保留的, 考虑到你们离婚后的未来需求和目标
  • 解释印第安纳州离婚法, 财产如何分割, 以及法院如何运作, 与你的个人情况有关
  • 帮助你准备有关你收入的必要财务信息, 费用, 资产, 还有离婚前的债务
  • 聘请财务专家,比如评估师, 法医会计师, or actuaries if necessary — to properly evaluate the worth of property 和 conduct research to discover if a spouse is hiding or trying to devalue 资产.

当你有clb法律支持的时候, we will h和le 所有 the financial 和 legal details 和 necessary investigations so you can focus on rebuilding your life.


印第安纳州 has a different system for dividing property than most other equitable distribution states. Those states 所有ow divorcing spouses to keep what they consider to be “separate property” – that is, property acquired before the marriage or gifts 和 inheritances received during the marriage.  在这种情况下, only property considered to be “marital property” 和 acquired during the marriage is divided.

然而, 在印第安纳州, 配偶任何一方拥有的所有资产, 单独或一起, 最初是否被视为夫妻财产,并可在离婚时分割.  印第安纳州法律(印第安纳州. 法典§3115-7-4)需要划分 所有 配偶拥有的财产,包括财产:

1) 婚前为夫妻任何一方所有

(2) 配偶一方在结婚期间和最后分居前获得的

(3) 由夫妻双方共同努力获得.

这意味着,在印第安纳州,唯一的财产 subject to distribution in divorce is property either spouse individu所有y acquired on their own after they filed for divorce or legal separation. 仍然, judges often do give consideration to whether the property was acquired before marriage or was received during the marriage as a gift or inheritance when determining who will get what.

下 印第安纳法典§3115-7-5, 法院认为,平等分配婚姻财产是“公正合理的”,因此,大多数夫妻在离婚时应该得到大约一半的财产. 然而, 有一些因素可能导致资产分配给配偶一方或另一方, 尤其是如果你的律师能证明平分是不公平的. 这些因素可能包括:

  • Each spouse’s contribution to the marriage through both income 和 non-income-producing efforts
  • If the asset was acquired before the marriage or through inheritance or gift (this may be considered despite 印第安纳州 laws to the contrary)
  • 夫妻双方在财产和债务分割后的经济状况, especi所有y considering whether the marital residence is awarded to the spouse with physical custody of the children
  • Actions of either spouse that depleted or disposed of marital 资产, such as by compulsive gambling
  • 配偶双方在分配财产和资产后的收入能力.

因为这些因素很重要, 仔细的调查, 公允评估资产价值, 和 skillful legal arguments from your attorney can make a difference in what 资产 you will receive. 根据你的个人情况, our CLLB Law high-asset divorce attorney will gather evidence 和 present arguments for or against equal distribution of 资产.


Our CLLB Law divorce lawyers know that it is important to value property properly 和 to consider what will happen to the value if it is divided or sold during the divorce process.  例如, professional practices 和 family-owned 企业 may rely on one spouse’s involvement or goodwill, 如果被分割或出售,它们可能会失去价值, 一些交易将导致高税收债务.


  • 退休基金, 401 (k)计划, 退休金及福利, 以及个人退休账户等金融资产, 股票, 股票期权和债券
  • 本地、州际和国际银行账户以及离岸和海外资产
  • 家庭和度假屋以及投资物业
  • 古董车、珠宝或艺术品等收藏品
  • Compensation awards from workers’ compensation, personal injury or medical malpractice cases
  • 汽车、船、摩托车和休闲车.

我们的律师会进行调查以找到所有资产, 包括那些可能被故意隐藏的.  在需要的时候, we will use skilled financial analysts 和 valuation specialists such as 法医会计师 who can assist in tracing 投资, 发现隐藏的资产,发现未公开的资产转移.


当离婚涉及大量财产时,产生疑问和担忧是很自然的.  Here are some answers to questions our clients frequently ask when facing a high-asset divorce:


A 婚前协议 是否有书面合同来决定离婚时如何分配财产, 而且他们会受到违约执法的约束. Our lawyers will review your agreement to make sure it was done correctly 和 can be enforced, 和 we will advocate on your behalf to ensure your spouse adheres to leg所有y made provisions.


法官经常做出权衡来公平分配财产. 例如, one spouse may get the family home in return for the other spouse’s getting the vacation home 和 recreational vehicle.


如果一个企业是由一个配偶经营和依赖的, 它可能会被授予配偶, 和 the other spouse would then be awarded a不her asset or property to satisfy equitable distribution.


Retirement plans are complicated 和 may require expert help to figure out what the plan is worth 和 to prepare a special order known as a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). 有时, since some employment-related accounts are 不 yet eligible for payout as of the valuation date, 可以设定一定比例的福利,稍后支付给配偶一方.

在高资产离婚中,问题不断出现是很常见的.  Rest assured that our CLLB Law legal team will be there for you to answer your questions 和 deal with issues as they arise.


高资产离婚极具挑战性,而且需要技巧 家庭法律师 specializing in divorce to analyze each situation 和 develop strategies for a positive outcome.

你很幸运,在兰登·洛普教堂 & 巴奈特有限责任公司,我们知道你现在采取的步骤会影响你的余生,所以我们 杰斐逊维尔的离婚律师克拉克斯维尔的离婚律师 will do everything possible to meet these ch所有enges whilst protecting your 资产 和 your interests in this difficult period.

你也可以相信我们的 科莱登的离婚律师 为你做这件事. 他们会为你找到并确认属于"组织"的婚姻财产, use professionals to provide expert opinions on valuation 和 the effect of transferring ownership on your 资产, 制定财产分配策略,保护你和你的孩子.


对于任何离婚问题的专业和知识的代表,今天打电话给我们. 总部设在新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, we proudly serve communities throughout Kentuckiana; Floyd County, IN; 和 Clark County, IN.


We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

Discover why so many 企业 和 individuals have come to rely on our trusted advice 和 proven advocacy.


    • 珍珠街318号,200套房
      新奥尔巴尼, IN 47150
    • 美国42号公路4965号,1000室
