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New Albany Probate Attorney

Because such cases can be complex, if you are facing probate issues, it’s best to work with an experienced probate attorney

“遗嘱认证”这个词对许多人来说是模糊的熟悉,但它也经常被错误地定义. 这是一个拉丁语词根的笨拙术语,意思是“某事被证明了”,虽然遗嘱认证可能涉及确定遗嘱是否有效, it can occur even when there isn’t a will. On a more general scale, it refers to the way an estate is administered and processed through the legal system. 在印第安纳州和肯塔基州,完成遗嘱认证的平均时间是6到12个月, though it can take longer if the estate is very large, the estate continues to earn large amounts of income, or if there is a court challenge over the will.

遗嘱认证及其相关问题可能导致高度复杂的法律问题. 你是否对自己的权利和责任有疑问, or simply do not know where to start, talk to the skilled New Albany, IN probate attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law. Offering decades of experience along with friendly, personal service, 我们已经指导了许多人通过遗嘱认证过程高效和有效.

To discuss your situation and options with our probate lawyer, 请致电812-725-8224或填写我们的bet9九州体育登录线路表格与我们的办公室bet9九州体育登录线路.

Terms Related to Probate Cases

In legal terms, “被继承人”是指已经去世的人,他的遗产现在必须被认证. 如果有遗嘱,那么被继承人也是“立遗嘱人”——立遗嘱的人. A “beneficiary” is someone who gets property under the will, “执行人”是遗嘱中指定的人,他被选中监督遗产所欠债务的支付,并根据遗嘱分配遗嘱人的财产.

Our Probate Attorney Can Help You At Each Step

遗嘱认证有一个过程,在这个过程的每个阶段, 遗嘱认证律师的熟练指导可以确保您的最大利益得到保护. 如果有遗嘱,必须在法庭上证明有效,才能被接受. In Indiana, probate matters are handled at the local county circuit court, except for Marion County, which has a separate probate court. 在肯塔基州的杰斐逊县,遗嘱认证也是通过专门的遗嘱认证法庭来处理的.  If there is no will, 法院适用州无遗嘱继承法,找出如何分配被继承人资产的等级制度,并指定一名管理人作为遗产的个人代表. 当遗嘱执行人在被继承人居住的县(如果被继承人不是发现房地产的州的居民)提交遗嘱和一份被称为“遗嘱认证请愿书”的文件时,遗嘱认证就开始了, 然后,这些文件应该在房地产所在地的县存档。).


What Parts of an Estate Are Subject to Probate?

只有被继承人拥有的资产才需要遗嘱认证. 常见的例子包括个人财产、现金和共有财产. 遗嘱认证遗产不包括死亡时可支付的银行账户, securities and vehicles named in transfer-on-death forms, life insurance proceeds that specify a beneficiary, retirement accounts that designate a beneficiary, or assets that are jointly owned with a right of survivorship. 被继承人所欠的任何义务必须在受益人收到其份额之前支付. 债权人通常按以下顺序得到支付:遗产管理费用, family allowances, funeral expenses, taxes, and debts.

In Indiana, 对于小型遗产,有两种简化的遗嘱认证程序,可加快被继承人财产的转移:

  • If the total probate estate is worth no more than $50,000 plus reasonable funeral expenses, 个人代表可以根据遗嘱分配资产,然后向法院提交结案声明.
  • If the total probate estate is worth no more than $50,000, 任何从被继承人那里继承个人财产(非房地产)的受益人都可以准备一份宣誓书,解释他或她为什么有权获得该财产. 受益人然后将宣誓书和被继承人的死亡证明提交给拥有财产的机构以供转让.

如果您对印第安纳州的遗嘱认证程序有任何疑问,请给我们打电话或使用我们的bet9九州体育登录线路表格. Our Indiana probate attorneys will provide you answers. You can reach us at 812-725-8224.


印第安纳州和肯塔基州的法律也允许有监督和无监督的遗产管理. 无监督管理意味着法院不需要监督这个过程,因为没有争议, the estate is solvent (has more assets than debts), the personal representative is qualified, the beneficiaries agree to it, 遗嘱要么不要求监督要么要求不受监督. 比无监督的管理更复杂,更昂贵, 如果受益人有争议,受监督的管理更可取, the will is not clear, there are assets that are difficult to value or sell, or there is no will and the heirs are unknown. Under supervised administration, 指定个人代表,未经法院批准不得出售或分配财产.


面对失去所爱的人已经够难的了,更不用说还要处理管理那个人的遗产的额外压力. The experienced New Albany, IN probate attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law can help. We understand the issues and can guide you through the process. 我们将与您密切合作,帮助您根据您的独特情况做出最佳决定. 我们与许多家庭合作过,我们期待与你们的合作.

For skilled and knowledgeable representation, 请致电812-725-8224或填写我们的bet9九州体育登录线路表格与我们bet9九州体育登录线路. 总部设在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼,我们还为肯塔基州的社区提供bet9九州体育登录 probate lawyers in Jeffersonville but also Coyrdon and Clarksville as well.

Attorney Gary Banet

Gary is licensed to practice law in both Indiana and Kentucky. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, estate and trust administration, estate and trust litigation, guardianships, elder law and special-needs planning. Gary earned his J.D. from the University of Louisville, Louis D. 布兰代斯法学院毕业,曾在宾汉姆格林鲍姆多尔和怀亚特塔兰特律师事务所执业 & Combs. [ Attorney Bio ]

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