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印第安纳州 Business Litigation Lawyers

Businesses have a variety of rights and obligations. These opposite sides of the same coin are frequently the basis for legal disputes. A company may find itself having a conflict with any number of parties, 包括合作伙伴, 股东, 供应商, 供应商, 员工, 客户, 以及其他业务. 你的企业是否发现自己需要索赔或抗辩, Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law的印第安纳州商业诉讼律师随时准备为您提供帮助.

Through strong client relationships, 扎实的管理技能, 以及个人承诺, 我们在印第安纳州的商业诉讼律师有能力处理行政诉讼, 监管措施, 仲裁, 台式试验, 陪审团审判. 我们还为不诉诸法律或适合印第安纳州商事法庭的情况提供法律咨询. 在CLLB Law, 我们在代理各类客户处理商业诉讼的各个方面拥有丰富的经验. All consultations are confidential. 

Why You Should Select Our Business Litigation Law Firm

Given today’s technology, commerce knows no bounds. A company can easily find itself conducting local, regional, or out-of-state business. 这种可访问性意味着商业企业必须准备好在许多方面保护自己, 从遵守法规到遵守劳动法,从索赔到抗辩. 在bet9九州体育登录线路,我们的印第安纳州商业诉讼律师提供以下公司和 business litigation services:

  • Consultation and legal 建议
  • 兼并与收购
  • 商业交易
  • 房地产产权bet9九州体育登录
  • 调解及仲裁
  • Directors’ and officers’ liability
  • 审判法律顾问
  • 合同纠纷
  • 所有权纠纷
  • 股东诉讼
  • 上诉
  • 员工纠纷
  • Lender and borrower opinions
  • ADA合规 建议.

How Our 印第安纳州 Commercial Litigation Lawyers Can Help With Your Case

在CLLB Law, 我们的印第安纳州商业诉讼律师有几十年的综合经验,我们将为您bet9九州体育登录. 我们的商业诉讼律师事务所知道什么样的策略是有效的,因为我们过去的成功经验. We also know that every case has unique aspects to it, so we tailor our strategies to fit the exact needs and requirements of your case. We represent clients in more than 90 counties in 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, 始终努力工作,以最有利的方式解决客户的问题.

律师杰森·洛普 leads our team of corporate litigation lawyers, providing a wide range of services for our business clients, 包括:

  • 房地产诉讼
  • Commercial real estate transactions
  • 分区的请求
  • 一般诉讼
  • 业务规划
  • 风险管理.

Jason致力于帮助客户尽可能高效和成功地解决与商业诉讼相关的问题. Having lived his entire life in 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, 他了解商业和企业在这一领域面临的独特挑战. He is a member of both the 印第安纳州 State Bar and the 肯塔基州 State Bar.

Count on Our 印第安纳州 Commercial Litigation Lawyers to Always Protect Your Interests

When you are running a business, you have multiple areas on which to focus. You need to manage inventory, 准确编制工资单, 遵守税法, 雇佣新员工, and handle ongoing training. This leaves you with a lot on your plate. 

在CLLB Law, 我们随时准备帮助您解决您的企业经常面临的法律挑战. 作为一个企业主, 你可能不是法律方面的专家,也可能跟不上企业不断变化的法规和要求. Our team watches these for you. 然后,当我们认为您需要进行更改以帮助您的企业避免法律问题时,我们会建议您, while taking advantage of new regulations.

We Take the Time to Learn What’s Important to You

When representing you and your business, 对于我们CLLB Law的印第安纳州商业诉讼律师团队来说,花时间了解您的业务目标非常重要. 我们讨论的法律问题,我们认为将是重要的对您的商业企业, ensuring that our areas of legal focus line up with what you need.

如果我们不花时间尽可能多地了解贵公司的业务和市场,我们就不可能尽可能成功地代理贵公司. 千篇一律的做法和偷工减料根本不符合我们代表客户的理念. We put in the time and effort that you deserve to have from us. 在CLLB,我们完全理解您的业务对您和您的员工有多重要. 我们感谢您对我们印第安纳州商业诉讼律师团队的信任.

在CLLB Law, We Do Not Back Down from Tough Situations

Some aspects of business law can be quite complex. 作为一个企业主,你的注意力从你的业务上转移到不得不处理占用你大量时间的法律问题上,这可能会让你感到沮丧.

我们的团队知道,涉及商业的法律事务可能会经历很多曲折. 当你收到一个意想不到的与法律问题有关的难题时,可能会更令人沮丧. 你可能想在法律问题上让步,只是为了把事情解决,这样你就可以继续前进. 

在CLLB Law, we understand these frustrations, 但我们也知道,考虑你所做的任何和解决定的所有后果是很重要的. 我们提供建议,我们认为你应该如何在看完案件的各个方面后进行, 包括直接后果以及和解将如何影响你未来几年的业务. We promise not to give up just because the case becomes challenging. 


在CLLB,我们在商业和公司诉讼的各个方面都有丰富的经验. Some of the areas we can help you with are:

  • 商业侵权 ——欺诈, tortious interference with contract, tortious interference with prospective business relations, 盗窃商业秘密, 商业诽谤, 误传, 不公平竞争
  • 就业要求 -比如工资, 小时, 安全, employment status (at-will versus independent contractors), 招聘, 终止, 歧视, 和隐私
  • 房地产 – mergers and acquisitions, 商业交易, foreclosure defense/workout strategy, lease issues (both landlord and tenant), 抵押贷款, 集合操作, 土地使用纠纷, 许可证, 分区的批准, 不信奉国教的使用, 重新规划, 和方差, all while conforming to local 不动产法
  • Partnership/joint venture disputes – when the business association doesn’t go smoothly
  • 违反信义义务 – typically involving trustees, 公司董事, commercial joint venturers, 投资顾问公司, and retirement plan administrators
  • 股东的问题 – may involve conflicting business interests, breach of directors’ duties, lack of proper financial reporting, 内幕交易, 和更多的
  • 消费者保护 -关于企业如何做广告、促销或销售产品的欺诈指控.
  • Uniform Commercial Code issues – regarding business transactions conducted outside a company’s state, such as establishing contracts, 借钱, 租赁设备, 销售商品
  • 施工索赔 – disputes over project delays, 调度, 有缺陷的设计, 未付款, 不可接受的工艺, 替代的材料, 或者成本超支

Our Corporate Litigation Lawyers Help with Breach of Contract Claims

在商业世界中,违约是一个经常发生的问题,并可能导致非常复杂的索赔. Common topics include shipment of goods, 货物交付, 还有销售, 购买, 或者转让一项业务. 违约是指一方不履行协议规定的义务或不履行先前交易所期望的义务. 

When monetary damages are difficult to determine, 您可以信赖我们的印第安纳州商业诉讼律师,他们会利用我们的经验,研究您案件中的事实,帮助您确定合理的和解金额. 


While the commercial litigation lawyers at Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law are sensitive to the fact that a trial is not the only way to resolve a dispute, we also recognize that sometimes it is unavoidable and may even be preferable. 

We explore the advantages and the disadvantages of litigation, as well as various forms of alternative dispute resolution services 对于每一个客户,永远不要忽视他们独特的情况和最终目标. We are always conscious of costs and the need for confidentiality. 我们的印第安纳州商业诉讼律师承诺从审判开始到结束都站在您这边, giving you pertinent 建议 and defending your rights as forcefully as possible. We can help you navigate the 印第安纳州 Commercial Court rules, which you may not be familiar with because they are relatively new.

Reach Out to Our 印第安纳州 Commercial Litigation Lawyers Today

Regardless of the size of your business or of the dispute, we will work closely with you and help you make the best decisions possible. 我们提供技术和专业资源来调查任何索赔,并评估最佳的法律策略,以保护您的利益. 

For skilled and knowledgeable representation, bet9九州体育登录线路 CLLB Law by calling (812) 513-1098 or by filling out our online form today.



Jason Lopp has focused his practice on representing financial institutions, 大公司, family businesses and individuals. Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, his practice includes real estate litigation, commercial real estate transactions, 分区, 建设, 一般诉讼, business planning and risk management matters. [ 律师生物 ]




